Norry has been a primary school teacher for 5 years, working in Birmingham and Edinburgh. Before training as a teacher, Norry worked in Theatre in Education, visiting over 350 primary schools all over the UK.
Norry is very excited about the Building Body Parts project. He believes it will be so beneficial to the children taking part as it encompasses so much of the Curriculum for Excellence.
Jennifer has been working in the field of Tissue Engineering for the past 13 years, gaining her PhD in the subject in 2009. She now works at the University of Edinburgh where she teaches anatomy to medical and science students and runs a tissue engineering laboratory www.paxtonlab.co.uk
Jennifer is extremely excited about bringing her expertise to the Building Body Parts Team and is looking forward to seeing how the project develops.
We were lucky enough to be awarded £3000 in The Royal Society Partnership Grant scheme in 2018/19. We are very grateful for the funding to enable this project to happen.
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